Feebleminded - Death

Scripture Reading - Philippians 1:21-23 KJV

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.
23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

In our study of “Feeblemindedness” we have touched upon many areas but today’s subject on “death” is probably the most sobering. We (ihlcc) state this because whenever someone brings up the subject of “death” many people have thoughts of doubt and despair. Although these thoughts are not godly “the fear of death” haunts many people, including Christians. The enemy of our souls would always have people to believe that you just can’t guarantee God’s Heaven because no one lives a perfect life. Of course this is false but the “feebleminded” saint who is uneducated on this topic is more vulnerable to believe the lies of the wicked one. God is not looking for perfection because He has already found it in Jesus Christ. You see dear child of God since we are born-again in Jesus Christ so there is “no fear of death” according to Hebrews 2:15 because we are in Him, thank God it is not based upon us (our good works). The Lord Jesus our precious Savoir died on the cross at Calvary to bear the sins of all mankind but He also destroyed the consequences of sin for all those who believe. All Christians escape eternal death through faith in Christ Jesus by the grace of God. The term “eternal death” basically means complete separation from God by living in a place called hell which is full of torments (suffering and pain). This is the fate of all those who do not believe and we (ihlcc) will agree they have good reasons to fear “death” the uncertainty they have of their future is enough to cause mental anguish and unrest. However, for the believer it is a totally different story (conclusion) the believer’s fate is sealed in Christ Jesus. Yes, not only are they going to a better place known as Heaven but they will be there with a glorified body that is spiritually perfect. It is for this reason that the Apostle Paul says “to die is gain”. “Death” to the educated Christian is only the passage way into the spiritual reality of the place called Heaven. What we mean by that is physical death is not equal to spiritual death, nor are they on the same level. Physical death (which the Apostle Paul is referring to) is only when your physical body stops functioning upon this earth. However, spiritual death is separation from God which all born-again believers don’t ever need to worry about because no one, nor anything can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. The Father God and Lord Jesus Christ have you in the palm of their mighty Hands such that no one or no thing can ever pull you out of their touch. Yes, since you abide in Christ and He abides in you there is eternal safety and peace personally for you. Of course knowing this and believing this with all your heart is what separates the strong believer concerning “death” and the weaker minded (feebleminded) believers in the Kingdom of God. Please understand dear saint that it is not God’s Will for any one of His children to be “feebleminded” when it comes to “death” but many are because they were never properly taught about this subject. This message today is only a brief encouragement to “never fear death” because death has no power over us (the Believer). Yes, be strong in faith by maintaining the confidence that Jesus is always with you so whom shall I fear. Yes, even though we don’t generally entertain thoughts about the subject of “death” we are not afraid of “death” because we know Jesus has already won the victory over “death” on the Cross at Calvary. Scripturally the power of sin is death, just like the string of sin is death but once Jesus took (past tense) away the power of sin and the string of sin we have no knowledgeable reason to be afraid. It is only through “feeblemindedness” that we remain ignorant concerning the subject of “death”. However, we (ihlcc) wish all men were saved in Christ Jesus and set (made) free from this depressing bondage. As it has been said, “Even on the very day we lose our life on this earth we gain our eternal lifestyle in Heaven”. In knowing that truth (fact) what are you afraid of? Absolutely nothing! Yes, what we are saying is that when others are crying we will be rejoicing in Heaven, not just the beautifulness of splendor (the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven) but also to see our Heavenly Father and personal Savoir Jesus Christ. Therefore what seems to be a dark day for those close to us will be our brightest day ever lived due to the brightness (glory) of Heaven. So be at peace every day because your name is written in the Lambs book of Life knowing that God has not allowed “death” to have victory over you or any of His Children. You dear believer are beloved of God so that His Blood covering abides upon you continuously in Christ. We do have the freedom to be “feebleminded” when it comes to “death” but we also at the very same time have the potential to be “strong minded” in knowing our place (position) over “death” concerning our faith (and fate) in Jesus Christ. Therefore we purpose to never be down casted or full of grief because even when a love one departs from this earth we (ihlcc) rejoice in the fact that they are in a much better place right now. Confidentially knowing that all God’s Children come home to Heaven the very instant they leave their physical body on earth. Knowing to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:8. Amen!